Friday, 7 June 2013

Raworth Garden, June

One of the highlights of my week is cycling up to the Raworth Garden on Saturday mornings to carry out my gardening duties, at the glorious Twickenham garden that I have previously posted about here. Inexplicably, I am yet to post any highlights from the garden, but during a blisteringly busy day today I was able to snatch a handful of floral images and so it is now time to record some of the Raworth glory! Tomorrow evening (6pm-8pm) the garden is opening to the public for the annual National Garden Scheme Open Day. The weather is set fair, the garden is looking wonderful and I am quite certain it will be a dashed good evening!
Early summer glory in the Sink Garden

Thalictrum haze!

The privet hedges at the front of the property are a prominent feature, pruned once a fortnight to encourage tiny foliage and an elegance not normally associated with privet hedging

Fresh clippery in the Knot Garden

Cotoneaster procumbens ‘Queen of Carpets’ provides a step edging in the Sunken Garden

Papaver orientale ‘Cedric Morris’ is one of the larger-flowered poppies used in the Main Border

Jenny buys many white foxgloves so we are unsure of this cultivar, but it may well be Digitalis purpurea ‘Snow Thimble’

More detail of P. ‘Cedric Morris’!

The acid yellow delight of Smyrnium perfoliatum

Silene fimbriata is known as the Fringed Campion, and although a tiny bit of a thug is an excellent specimen for the deep borders on account of it tolerating shade and bearing these incredible white blooms

Amazingly, a Monarch butterfly landed in the border while I was edging the lawn! How it got here from Mexico remains a mystery. Nomadic devils

The Raworth cat, Benny, is a good egg

Nap time!


Greenorchid said...

What a lovely colurful garden! How lucky to see that beautiful butterfly... I'm so worried about the lack of butterflies this year... Smashing poppy too.

Wren said...

I have a little clipping of wisteria from a great aunt that is blooming a bit. Wish mine was as gorgeous as your photo! Benny is adorable. Golden monarch kitty baby..

Anonymous said...

Benny, what a life! Such a glorious home to roam!

Bertie Bainbridge said...

Greetings all!

Diana Studer said...

I'm imagining you clipping your way along those hedges ... Goodness!!

Wife, Mother, Gardener said...

Such a beautiful garden! It must be a fun break. Wonderful photos!

Susan Bainbridge said...

Dear Bertie, by any chance was your great grandmother Charlotte Bainbridge from Yorkshire? If so, we might be cousins. Let me know.
I love your garden photos and enthusiasm!
Best regards, Susan